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Change is a force in and on its own.

You can let it wash over you, or you can harness it and watch the magic happen.

To me, being fully alive implies opening up and making space for transformation.

I’ve started to build my own relationship with change a decade ago, and it’s a work in progress. I believe it’s a lifetime’s work to become mentally agile, wise, and grounded in the face of volatility. (I’m fine with that).


One of my most recent and wholehearted leaps into change was last year when I decided to attend the Mind Learners Transformational Coaching Program.

I was hoping to get some new tools that'd help me decide on a clear career path, instead of the pendulum of the past years: marketing, nutrition & fitness, then marketing again.

Well, it happened.  Things fell into place through deep, tough, relentless exploration. I’ve identified how I can bring a meaningful contribution to the world, and coaching plays a big part in this. But that’s not even the most exciting part.


They say the program is transformational, and it truly is.

It enables you to go down the rabbit hole of your own personal history, to meet your inner enemies and allies, to challenge your beliefs, and forge deep connections with like-minded people.  The real transformation, to me, happened on what I can only identify as a spiritual level. Simon Sinek recently said about faith: “my favorite definition of faith is knowing that I’m on a team, though I don’t necessarily know all the players”.


This program showed me that my team is out there.

We share a vision of a world where people cultivate the light and gently tune out the darkness, and we are one step closer to making it happen. Change is a team sport, after all.

Ilinca Doinea - Growth Coach and Trainer @Growth Tribe Academy



My first “love” was clinical psychology and psychotherapy. However, since the beginning of my career, I have worked in training and different business environments. I always perceived coaching to be a kind of middle ground between individual therapy and the business environment, so I followed the Mind Learners certification program to become a Transformational Coach.


It was a transformational journey in itself, the perfect way to learn how to be a coach. I experienced coaching from the coachee’s perspective, I felt the change, I laughed and I cried and I found myself once again. All this, while “pausing” the reality now and then to pinpoint some excellent coaching instruments and their use. 


My thinker/researcher side was also really happy because all info was really theory-based, grounded in recent studies, in neuropsychology and had a substantial references list. 


All in all, I encourage you to embark on this journey, it might just change a couple of lives (yours and others’ through you). 

Diana Todeancă - Psychologist, trainer, coach

Prima oară am auzit de școala asta când lucram la Bookster - încă eram în facultate. Mi se părea că e la cu totul alt nivel, pilotată de niște semi-zeițe. Dar pe atunci aveam alte ambiții. În ultimii 3 ani am tot tatonat ideea, dar mi-am tot amintit de onboarding după ce pleca trenul din gară.


Anul ăsta, deși bubuit și incert, mi-am amintit din timp. Nu știam exact cum o să plătesc biletul, dar știam că vreau să iau trenul ăsta. Așa că l-am luat. Șiii n-a fost cum mi-am imaginat. În primele 3 stații n-am avut stare. Mă simțeam ca în mocăniță întrebându-mă unde e bullet train-ul? Mă uitam pe maps și mă frustram că nu trecem o dată peste primul coclau.


Așa că am sunat-o pe Alecsandra să-i zic că m-am cam plictisit. Și m-a întrebat dacă m-am uitat și pe fereastră, nu doar pe hartă. Dacă m-am uitat și la restul pasagerilor.


În stația 4 am închis google maps-ul am început să mă uit la restul oamenilor și mai ales în interior. Pe parcurs, din 15 străini am descoperit 15 oameni cu care aș ieși la o cafea și o mână bună de oameni pe care i-aș suna dacă aș avea nevoie de niște threading pe subiecte sensibile. În ultimele stații am căutat pe ascuns frâna de urgență, că parcă mergeam prea repede spre 16 decembrie cu peronul pe partea dreaptă.


A trecut aproape o lună de atunci și mă uit la cum s-au așezat toate. La cum am întâlnit pasageri cu valiză ca a mea, cum ne-am găsit locul în tren fix acolo unde aveam mai mare nevoie, cum ne-am văzut reflexiile în geam.

Dincolo de toată tehnica și știința din spate, mă uit la mâna de oameni de care m-am apropiat în Mocănița Shinkansen. Iar acum, că am coborât cu încă o valiză de cunoștințe, e momentul pentru un „mulțumesc”

Andrei Lasc - Founder @POARTA 9 - agenție de branding și comunicare autentică

This coaching school was for me the first learning experience where learning was absolutely delightful. I remember being in school or to any other professional training done so far and thinking whether I am the perfect fit for that type of set-up.


The experience in Transformational Coaching school is created via the space Alecsandra and Carmen are so friendly and compassionately containing. I felt my best part was seen, sustained, guided through the process of learning.


I had the immense gift of getting to know all the wonderful ladies who were my group learning sisters and I got to cherish each one of them as I saw their light. Grateful for this experience!


Beyond skills and techniques, coaching just got a completely unexpected and joyful nuance in my life. With love 🎈

Minodora Lozoveanu - HRBP at Airbus

I am happy and proud to talk about one of the most powerful learning experiences I ever had. After months of studying, practicing, trying, growing, it’s now time to hold in my hands the ICF Certified Coach diploma received from Mind Learners Coaching School. I was happy to work with an amazing group of coaches and be guided by the amazing Alecsandra Lițu and Carmen Sidon.


And I want to take a moment to be fully aware and share with you what this experience means, as I truly believe in the power of vulnerability. For me, my way towards coaching started with doubts, fears and pressure. I was thinking more about what I thought I didn’t have rather than who I truly was and who I wanted to become.


And it felt like a huge (and sometimes even painful) jump into the unknown. But, at the same time, I was curious and excited, eager to know more about myself, to challenge myself, to embrace discomfort, to question, to let myself be seen, to discover what I want to offer.


For my last coaching class, I had to think about who I want to be as a coach and what my mission is. It seemed so difficult and yet, there I was, with far less pressure than I thought, more connected and honest with myself. I knew I wanted to be well prepared and to show up for my clients as the best version of myself. And I’ve learned techniques and I’ll learn many more, I’ve used tools and I’ll use many more, as it’s just the beginning.

Diana Popescu - L&D at BAT

Mind Learners a fost locul în care mi-am lărgit viziunea despre câteva  lucruri foarte importante pentru mine, pe care obișnuiam sa le definesc în alți termeni.


Trainerii noștri,  Carmen Sidon , Alecsandra Lițu si Alis Anagnostakis au un mod foarte blând și friendly de a te face sa soak up in deep knowledge about the body-mind-spirit situation.


Am intrat in scoala asta cu cateva așteptări care mi-au fost cu mult depășite.

Deși intrasem cu manecile suflecate, setată să învăț teorie, pe măsură ce au trecut saptamanile, am inceput sa ma descos pe mine. Parca m-as fi  trezit pusă în fața unei oglinzi prăfuite (în care nu ma mai recunoașteam), cu galeria asta de 15 oameni în spate, care mă incurajau sa fac ceva.

Ce-am facut?

După vreo 25 de ore (de rezistență) în compania lor, am pus deoparte agendele,  pixurile,  post-it-urile,  mi-am tras înapoi manecile si am început sa-mi șterg, cu podul palmei, oglinda. Asta am facut în restul de 150 de ore, petrecute cu acești oameni, pe care îi vedeți în poză.

Despre asta a fost Mind Learners pentru mine. Nu e un loc în care înveți doar teorie. Ci înveți să te uiți la tine în altă manieră. Înveți să te uiți la ceilalți, altfel. Începi să identifici tipare, credințe, dar si resurse si bogații adevărate, în oameni (unele-s adânc îngropate,  altele-s desperate to come out). Iar asta mi se pare cel mai mare câștig.


Si...indiferent cât de mult ti-ai dori sa ii acompaniezi pe alții,  în drumul lor, "you cannot pour from an empty cup".

Va multumesc, cu recunoștință, pentru tot ce mi-ati oferit😍.

Trainerilor Carmen, Alecs si Alis! Si (nu din întâmplare) colegilor mei (care sunt si very cool;).

Anca Ivu - Senior legal advisor at Ministry of Finance

Truly transformative, Mind Learners tackles the mind, the body and the heart, offering the right tools to be an effective coach. All with presence, patience, and knowledge.
I thank Carmen, Alecs and Alis for the very generous scholarship and I strongly encourage those from the NGO field to apply for a scholarship, and then transfer this knowledge back to their home organizations!


Simona Adam - NGO Scholarship recipient



Greu tare sa descriu in 5 fraze cum au fost pentru mine cele 4 luni de curs. 
Pe scurt, ar fi asa: Am avut norocul sa fiu in grupa cu 15 femei cu ajutorul carora mi-am daramat toate prejudecatile legate de noi. Nu, nu suntem nici prea emotionale, nici invidioase unele cu celelalte si nici “prea slabe”. Am muncit impreuna, ne-am acordat timp si spatiu, am invatat, am avut curajul sa “sapam” adanc in noi si am avut incredere! Cu Carmen si Alecs in rolul celor mai potriviti “capitani de echipa”, of course. 


Am reusit sa o inteleg perfect pe Madonna, atunci cand zicea: “As women, we have to start appreciating our own worth and each other's worth. Seek out strong women to befriend, to align yourself with, to learn from, to collaborate with, to be inspired by, to support, and enlightened by"


Toate astea intr-un cadru perfect creat si sutinut prin: etica, pasiune, imbinarea teoriei cu practica, autenticitate si grija pentru fiecare etapa in parte. Am reusit astfel sa obtinem nu doar competente pentru a insoti alti oameni in procesul de coaching, ci si super abilitatea de a ne fi mai bine cu noi. 
Un program transformational all the way!

Alina Vasile - HR Manager at Depanero

Mind Learners Transformational Coaching program was a milestone long wanted. It took me 4 years to finally fulfill this dream.

It is a journey of self-discovery so gentle and full of love.  The materials are consistent and cover topics from Neuroscience to spirituality, throughout the program I learned how to actively listen to others and myself.

All my life I struggled to fit in and the Mind Learners classes were the perfect opportunity for me to become who I really am and to accept my authenticity. I learned what is like to belong in my life, with myself. Made me realized and feel, the benefic and the magic power of the community.

For me Mind Learners Transformational Coaching school is not only about how to become a coach, is also about having a conscious life.


Cosmina Cojocaru - HRBP & Coach at Ubisoft



Cand am inceput Scoala de Coaching cautam sa invat mai multe despre un proces de dezvoltare pe care credeam ca il stiu si il inteleg deja. Scoala a fost insa mult mai mult de atat. Dincolo de a invata despre coaching, am invatat despre mine, am trecut printr-un propriu proces de transformare care m-a adus pana la final mai aproape de cine sunt eu sub toate straturile si constructiile sociale. Lunile petrecute alaturi de 15 femei fabuloase au fost o experienta de viata inegalabila. Multumesc, Alecs si Carmen, pentru ca ne-at creat spatiul de siguranta in care sa putem sa devenim noi. 

Laura Vasluianu - Learning & Development Consultant, Inner Lighthouse


I started the journey of the Transformational Coaching program in one week, since the moment I decided I wanted to become a professional coach and the start of the program. I chose Mind Learners first emotionally and after rationally as well, looking at the content of the program, at the testimonials of the people and having a great conversation with Alecs as well. And it was one of the best choices of my life.


What I’ve learned is that you can’t be there for the person in front of you from your coaching role, if you don’t know who you are and you can’t be there for yourself. And in order to do that you go through multiple inner transformations, moments of self-discovery that Carmen & Alecs prepare so beautifully.


It is so much more than just a coaching program! 

It is an open door to yourself and you are given all the tools you need to go inside. And you go gently, step by step, more and more in touch with who you really are, with all your vulnerabilities and emotions. 


I felt it was a safe place for me to open up. As you are part of a community of people that support each other and you feel that from the first moment. 


Also, Transformational Coaching is an International Coaching Federation-certified coaching program that gives all you need to become a coach, from a theory and practice perspective. I appreciated a lot that it involves a lot of practice and that you get feedback and support from Carmen & Alecs to understand what worked best, what could be improved and the way they share it, makes the difference: with warmth and care.


I am honored to have been part of the Transformational Coaching program and grateful at the same time!

Cristina-Mina Dalea - Leadership & Transformational Coach

When I first met Alecsandra Lițu to see if we could collaborate on a project, I was fascinated by her energy and warmth. I instantly had the feeling that we will meet for sure in the future.


Meanwhile, in my self-discovery journey, I developed a passion for coaching, which led me to the Mind Learners program. I was happy to see that Alecs was one of the teachers. Also, the Mind-Heart- Spirit approach was one that resonated a great deal with me.


Throughout the journey, I also had the chance to learn from two other amazing coaches, Carmen Sidon and Alis Anagnostakis.  Although they have different approaches, the three of them have a great dynamic together.


In the Mind Learners Program, I found high-quality teaching and relevant information to my coaching practice and personal transformation. It was an intense four months where I was part of an eclectic group of people, who held honest mirrors to each other and courageously questioned old patterns and belief systems.


Besides my transformation, I think the most important thing for me was that in the time of Covid, our group of 16 souls managed to hold space for each other and made timeless connections happen.


Also, graduating from the program marked a new door of possibilities opening for me.  With a whole heart, I was happy to embark on a new journey in the role of a coach and help others in their inner work.


If you are entering this program, do not expect this to be easy. Embark on this journey with an open heart. Most of the magic will happen between sessions. My advice would be to reserve those four months for yourself and really be present in the process. Because it’s a great experience and because we need such experiences more than ever.


Dig deep and find those long-lost treasures in you.

Boglárka Lőrincz - Positive intelligence coach

For me, the whole story starts with a question: What can I do to contribute and increase the well-being of the community?

In the meantime, on my coach’s recommendation, I searched for a learning program to explore and embrace the opportunity to find more about self-reflection and inner balance.


The Mind Learners Coaching School is a journey to be discovered. A lifetime transformational experience. An inspiration.

It’s a full pack of emotions, discoveries, and understanding that you experience together with a small group of beautiful people who have the same intention as you.


During school, I've found my answer to the question and I'm grateful that I've created a foundation for my mission as a coach.

The entire agenda is very well divided into courses and you will find a mix of information, practice, self-reflection, best practices, and methods of ethics at work.


I strongly believe this program is a life-changing experience. You enter as a caterpillar and at the end, you are transformed into a butterfly.”

Raluca Alexandru - Employer Branding Architect & Career Coach

Cred ca elementul differentiator pentru Mind Leaners este orientarea catre procesul omului, dar mai ales abordarea holistica pentru acesta.

Pe parcursul scolii am intrat in contact cu foarte multe abordari pentru minte, suflet, corp si spirit, ceea ce iti permite tie, celui care invata, sa experimentezi diversitate tehnicilor, sa stii pe ce “sa pui mana” in functie de topicul clientului, dar mai ales sa iti dai seama ce ti se potriveste tie ca si facilitator pentru procesul de dezvoltare.

Dincolo de continut, metodologia de invatare te forteaza sa iti dezvolti abilitatea practica prin sistemul de buddy si toate sesiunile practice care sunt gandite si integrate armonios in curricula.

Si nu in ultimul rand, atitudinea facilitatorilor poate fi folosita ca ancora pentru multe provocari pe care le poti intalni in practica de coaching. Merci, Carmen, si merci, Alecs 😊

Eugen Buica - Development Partner, Metro

Stiam ca imi place mult sa ascult. Sa ascult cu incredere, cu curiozitate, cu empatie. Stiam ca pot sa ofer spatiu si timp, stiam ca, avand la baza instrumente destepte, pot sa imi dezvolt aceasta abilitate. Inscrierea mea la aceasta scoala de coaching a venit in cel mai potrivit moment, atunci cand si cealalta fiica de-ale mele a plecat la studii. M-am gandit ca este  cel mai bun sincron intre dorinta de a ma dezvolta si timpul suplimentar dobandit pentru a creste.

Cele 4 luni de trairi, simtiri, constientizari si disciplina mi-au fost de un real folos pentru adaptare si conectare la ce stiu acum ca devin in fiecare zi. 

Sunt fericita ca am trait acest proces al descompunerii si reconstructiei mele atat ca persoana, cat si al  redefinirii mele profesionale.


Alina Brandenburg - PR & Marketing Coordinator, Trend Consult 

Being part of the Mind Learners Transformational Coaching Program felt like entering a gate that was waiting for a while to be open. Once opened, I found deep and well-hidden fears, unimaginably bravery, and love for myself. I recommend the experience to anyone who is looking for a 360 transformational experience - the power of our group had a massive impact on my growth and I am grateful for each and every one of them. Considering the dynamic Alecs and Carmen managed to create even in an online environment, I wish anyone that has any doubts about embarking the journey, to listen to their intuition and dive deep in with their hearts open.


Denisa Voinea - EMEA HRS Back Office Leader, Garrett Advancing Motion

I found the program valuable for several reasons. First, it focuses on ICF competencies and prepares you for international accreditation as a coach. The modules were extremely well documented, the information was easy to assimilate and the logistical support was impeccable.


Beyond the practical aspects, for me it was an inner journey in which I learned to listen to others and listen to myself, to be present (I believe presence was one of my paramount gains in this program and it is vital for coaching), to turn my attention towards myself and have the courage to be authentic with my future clients. I learned not to "steal" their lessons and experiences, and to allow for space so that my client can, sooner or later, discover what is best for them.  

I liked the interdisciplinary nature of the program. It was all about people and emotions, about communication and patience, about trust in the client and the process. It was about helping and developing people. 

Even if a participant decides not to pursue a certification in coaching (although the program is perfect to set the ground for this) I would still highly recommend it for the fabulous journey towards oneself.

Manuela Avram - Support Renewal Snr. Manager, Oracle


If I were to summarize the experience of this Coaching school in few main ideas, I'd say it was as challenging as it was an important self-discovery experience.

The first session, 11 people, all new to me ( and I can say that I wasn't so aware of myself either, so almost 12 :)).

And then, with small steps, I was able to see the beauty inside my colleagues, the beauty inside myself. I learned how to listen without judging in any way. I also learned how to judge myself less, how to trust and go ahead with my decisions. How to respect the story of each person and be grateful for the amazing gift of being able to hear, of being present.

Each course was an amazing mix of emotions, smiles, jokes, tears, hugs, doubt, hesitation, trust, happiness, dreams, energy, colors and is going to remain one of my best life experiences.

Lucia Tudor - Manager, Vodafone Shared Services

Mind Learners taught me about me, about people, and the God inside of me. It made me remember that less is more. I realized it becomes complex when I searched for resolutions outside of me.


I also realized during this program how I was limiting myself thru choices under the impulse of life habits or limiting beliefs. I learned that my body speaks to me thru sensations and that brain cannot "translate" with the same speed that the heart "thinks".


At Mind Learners, seeing myself in the mirror, my journey for self-transformation began with a new mindset. Beforehand, if I want to be a coach, I need to be the change I want to see in others...

Ionuț Ardeleanu - Country Planning Supervisor, HP

An authentic school, having that deep meaning all schools should have and that true and noble scope to be a space where we, "the students" would be ourselves, full of courage to dive in our souls and minds and bring forward our best version. 

I feel now that we were not 12 students and 3 teachers but 15 learners, in the most profound way, shaping from inside out our perception of life and work.

I am so grateful to all of them and I take with me and will cherish forever their beauty, their passion, their vulnerability, and their wisdom.

And this is only the beginning of a beautiful journey to accomplish my own mission as I feel now I have what it takes.

Alina Marin - Oracle

A valuable lesson about connection, authenticity, and unconditional positive regard, where I have discovered how to develop my coaching skills and work with tools and models, and a million much more.


You are not only entering a great learning group, but you will also be going through an incredible learning experience of self-discovery and empowerment, and you will have your own “taste” of the impact of the transformational coaching process while working with your peers and with the best client that you could have yourself.


This is how the learning experience was for me, a journey where I discovered the coach in me, owned my style, as well as learned to appreciate and be confident about it. Mind Learners School is a well-balanced mixture of both mind and body information, spiced with interactivity and activeness, introspection and joy, and strongly infused with passion and ethics of work. I have finished the program and wanted to know and be more for myself and for others.

Olga Udrea - psychotherapist, founder Mind Initiative.

If you are looking for a transformational experience synchronized with a learning experience, you've arrived at the perfect place. This program is for the ones that are open and eager to learn. It is for the ones that are willing to explore themselves and take responsibility for their lives. It is for the ones that are willing to serve this world through their presence and gifts. It is for the ones that want to lead through love and compassion. It is for the ones that want to create a better life for themselves


It's been like a ride on a rollercoaster feeling a range of emotions: from fear, and chaos, to the excitement, grace. love and compassion. I am more than grateful for getting to the right mentors, for the shared knowledge. for the beautiful friends that I've made during this program.

Due to this experience, my perspective of the world shifted. Thank you for all. I've created the foundation for all that I will build next in my life

Bogdana Runcan

Mindlearner's School of Coaching was for me a unique experience of re-connecting with my inner self after going through a sometimes not-so-pleasant process of looking at myself as a human being that is unique yet vulnerable, whole yet sometimes biased and above all else worthy of and able to love and be loved.

I strongly believe this is what makes this program stand out and be so successful - by allowing us to be more in touch with our own feelings, beliefs, and thoughts, we access an internal richness that helps us be more connected with and more useful to others

Ioana Popa - Collections Manager for EMEA non-integrated countries at HP

A fost inițial despre curiozitate și așteptări. A rămas în mintea și sufletul meu modalitatea prin care aceste așteptări au fost depășite lună după lună, cu fiecare sesiune în parte pe durata întregului program.

Nu aș numi acest program ca fiind un curs, ci mai degrabă o experiență transformațională pentru mine. Mediul sigur creat de Alecsandra și Carmen a facilitat ca alături de colegii mei din grup să experimentez: vulnerabilitatea, aprecierea, dezamăgirea, curajul, recunoștiința, increderea, teama și alte sentimente și emoții.

Cât de mult înseamnă să asculți, cât de importantă e prezența, câtă putere și curaj avem noi ca oameni și câtă putere există într-un proces de coaching sunt doar câteva din lucrurile pe care le-am luat cu mine.

Plec cu încredere în mine, cu certitudinea că la rândul meu pot ghida cu folos persoane care au nevoie și care aleg acest drum al cunoașterii de sine. Mulțumiri din suflet!

Dana Boabes - Coach, MindArchitect

When I joined MindLearners I was looking for new ways to build meaningful conversations and for a place with like-minded people, seeking to further understand themselves and the world around them. A coaching school meant for me a place where I could grow, learn to be a better listener and a better team lead - a straightforward training experience.

I smile, now, looking back, realizing how much more I have received. This has been a truly transformational journey. Before I learned how to better listen to others, I learned how to listen to myself: my deepest fears, my body signals, and the contradictions in my mind. One of the most meaningful conversations I had was the one with myself.

I've found at MindLearners a safe and sacred place where we could open up and be vulnerable. Alecs and Carmen are both extraordinary mentors and they gracefully guide you through your learning journey until you discover your own flavor of coaching practices. You should join this class as it’s truly a gift for your soul.

Andra Olaru - Team Lead @ Tech Company

All my life has been full of numbers that define my financial background. And while that was quite fulfilling and kept me with the feet on the ground, what lied beyond these was always very intriguing to me.

I was interested in how the mind and the heart, the thoughts and the feelings keep people together or apart, make people go further or stop, make them want more out of their lives or make them happy and enough with what they are, or they have.

So, while having these thoughts, I found out about Mind Learners – the first coaching school I have ever heard about. And I said to myself: “No, it is probably not for me, it is too obvious, too up front. I need to search more.” And I did. I even ended up applying to 2 other coaching schools – one in Romania and one in the US. Somehow, the universe did not want me to get to those schools, I presume, as things happened right before starting and I did not carry on with any of them.

When I was about to start thinking that perhaps coaching is not the path ahead for me, Alecs replied to an email of mine and let me know that, quite surprisingly, a new unexpected additional group was being built up in Mind Learners. Would I like to join? Oh, would I?

From that moment on, Mind Learners was the most expected event every two weeks. Not totally pleasant & comfortable, but than again I was not here to feel comfortable.

I was here to learn, to (re)discover myself, my limiting beliefs, my values & my inner powers.

I was here to transform my fears and weaknesses in strengths, but I learned to do that with vulnerability and without being ashamed.

I learned to ask valuable questions, and I also learned to shut up intentionally.

I was carefully taught how to listen actively and not to judge, as each story is unique.

I learned new ways to be empathetic or assertive when the situation asks for this.

I found out how to listen to myself and my needs, my thoughts, and my emotions and how to contain all these.

Finally, I learned how I can also help others and bring my own contribution to more aware, responsible, grateful and fulfilled humans. Thank you, Alecs & Carmen for all these and for what will come next! 😊  

Andreea Birou Amiceanu - auditor financiar, consilier pentru dezvoltare personala, coach transformational

Am început MindLearners într-o perioadă în care  simțeam viața nu foarte blândă cu mine. În aceasta etapă a existenței mele presărată cu anxietăți, neliniști, căutări de răspunsuri și sete de cunoaștere și schimbare, am învățat prin experiența facilitatorilor și cu ajutorul puterii grupului, lucruri importante legate de toate acestea și nu numai. Am văzut cum pot eu să am grijă de nevoile mele, să pot învăța mai înainte de toate să fiu eu blând cu mine, sincer, autentic chiar și în astfel de perioade ale vieții ca să pot apoi oferi ceva la rândul meu și celor din jur. Am exersat să fiu cu trup, suflet, minte și spirit mai prezent în viața mea. Am reușit să mă întâlnesc cu părți neștiute ale mele depășind zona de confort. Am avut o experiență vie și transformatoare. Celor pregătiți să afle lucruri noi despre ei înșiși, care caută să învețe, să schimbe în bine lumea din jur începând cu propria persoană, pentru cei care caută o transformare pe un anumit plan al existenței, și care vor să dea mai departe folosind experiența lor în coaching, încurajez să aplicați pentru Mind Learners, o școală pe care sunt bucuros că am avut posibilitatea să o parcurg și pe care o recomand cu drag.

Mulțumesc Carmen și Alecs, mulțumesc colegi.

Daniel Boacna - Coach Transformational

While trying to grow my training & development knowledge also in the direction of coaching, I considered several coaching schools on the ICF website. Mindlearners spoke to me because of the mind-heart-body-spirit concept and it was always on the top of my mind when considering which school to go to.

I went in thinking I would find out more about coaching techniques, a training in which the trainer gives you some tips and you apply (some of) them, as most of the training sessions actually are. Well... I was wrong :)

During the modules, I got to know myself better and got to understand what coaching is actually all about. The 4 months were like a rollercoaster, pushing me towards my stretch zone. Most of all, it taught me to focus on my strengths and build on them. It's a work in progress but I am really grateful to Alecs & Carmen for all the lessons.

p.s. for all analytical types, like myself: rest assured, it covers everything you need for ICF certification. Just block time for the modules, be present and stay curious :)

Anca Daescu

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