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Our alumni

Have a chat with our alumni
Embarking on this journey may come to you with lots of questions and we're glad if that's the case. If you're seriously thinking about...

Monica Apostol
My aim is to create a space where vulnerability meets creativity and hope, and where acceptance and authenticity thrive. I accompany my...

Mihaela Alexandrescu
My name is Mihaela Alexandrescu and I'm an Experienced Human Resources Professional. After 10 years of hard work and long hours spent in...

Alis Anagnostakis, PCC
I am a an executive coach and leadership development facilitator. In 2011 I founded Mind Learners, as a metaphor for the paramount role...

Ionuț Ardeleanu
Not long ago I used to think I knew it all. However, life was going to prove me wrong... A while ago I chose to look at myself and at...

Maria Avram, ACC
I work as Support Renewal Manager in a large multinational company. My background includes studies in Foreign Languages and a Master in...

Simona Adam
Hello! I am Simona - transformational coach, clinical psychologist (under supervision), and a trainee psychotherapist in transactional...

Raluca Alexandru
I’m Raluca and I believe there is a First for everything. My mission is to contribute and create a better place for humanity. I’m willing...

Alina Brandenburg, ACC
După o carieră de succes în banking, perioadă în care mi-am dezvoltat abilități solide de conectare interpersonală, motivare și conducere...

Anca Băbăneață
I am Anca and I am a thinker. Value driven. Performance oriented. Constant learner. Learning that my journey in life has often been about...

Cristina Bâra
I am a transformational coach, a personal development counselor and a psychologist in training. I am also trained in Gabor Mate’s...

Lia Bălan, PCC
As far as I can remember, I have enjoyed helping people. I believe we can all make a difference in our lives and in the lives of others...

Daniel Boacna
Sunt un om pasionat de autocunoaștere, de psihologie și de oameni. Am o experiență destul de vastă de viață. Nu consider că am un parcurs...

Eliza Burlan
I am Eliza, a Transformational & Neuromindfulness Coach Practitioner. I am a mother of two amazing girls, I have a full-time job as a...

Eugen Buica
In my personal development practice my main guiding principles are own rhythm and strong relationship. I believe there are no “the 5...

Andreea Birou Amiceanu
A good friend of mine once told me: “I am sick and tired to be advised by everybody as if everyone else is a specialist in my life, but...

Dana Canciu, ACC
One of my dreams as a teenager was to become a software developer. A couple of years ago, after having worked in the IT industry for some...

Roxana Ceialacu
My name is Roxana Ceialacu, I have experience in software development industry for almost 15 years, playing different roles within...

Andreea Cimpoeșu, PCC
I am a leadership coach, facilitator and consultant. My practice exists to support leaders on their quest to live, lead and thrive...

Alina Cristache
My name is Alina Cristache and I am an ordinary person. I cherish my life and strive to allow myself the freedom and honesty to be who I...
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