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Our alumni

Alina Vedeanu

Along my 20-year long journey of knowledge, development and transformation, I learned that people genuinely need to feel loved and accepted for who they truly are, they need to be in authentic relationships where they feel seen and understood.

And of course, everything starts from the relationship with yourself. I believe in the magic of selflove and I value genuine relationships in all of the areas of my life. I feel most fulfilled in a committed partnership in every aspects of my life. My natural ability is to see people for who they are and connect equally - people feel that.

The Transformational coaching program from Mind Learners has been a life changing experience that gave me the needed confidence to continue to do what I know best.

And here is where my relationship with you starts. By becoming your transformational coach, I am dedicating myself to the mission of discovering you and accompanying on your wonderful journey of knowledge, development, growth and transformation.

Because I also truly believe in the power of vulnerability I will encourage you to think more about who you truly are and who you want to become and open a door of trust for me. At the same time be curious and excited, eager to know more about yourself and let yourself be seen.

Let's explore together all resources that will enhance you to be the best version of you. “The authentic self” who is loved and accepted, seen and understood.

You can reach me here –


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