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Our alumni

Cristina Dăescu

Hey, I'm Cristina, but you can call me Cris, like all my friends do.

I strongly believe that each of us has the inner resources to fulfill our dreams and get where we want to be. Sometimes it’s not easy to have clarity on the direction, to discover the resources within yourself and you need help to lift the fog up.

My path took me 10 years in communication and marketing, working for large companies in the FMCG industry. I enjoyed implementing campaigns, helping brands grow, creating strategies and plans, working in a team, but I felt like something was missing.

In 2018 I became Ada's mother. That was the year that everything I knew about myself and what I wanted to do fell apart. That's when my real transformation began and I knew it has to start from within.At one point I was faced with the question "what kind of mother do you want to be for Ada and what values ​​do you want to pass on to her?".

I wanted to be a mother who knows herself deeply, who loves herself, and one of the values ​​I wanted to pass on to her was courage. And I did not experience courage, I only admired it in others. And I mean the courage to be YOU, to be vulnerable and make decisions based on what guides you in a direction, not out of fear. In the summer of 2022, I made the difficult decision to leave the company, to break away from what I knew well and to enter a realm of uncertainty. It was followed by a period of a lot of turmoil and inner conflict, which I am still navigating.

But now I have my compass. I know the direction where I’m going, I have more clarity on who I am and what I want to do. I’m a tranformational coach on a continuos learning journey and I’m here with an open heart to accompany women on their own self-discovery paths. I want to create a safe space and empower them to be authentic and make choices aligned with the life they desire to live and feels fullfilling.

I’m happy to connect and share thoughts and experiences. You can write me at and we can be social on instagram or facebook.


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