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Our alumni

Maria Dinu (ACC)

I am a coach and an HR person in a multinational. I work with young professionals and talented people to inspire them to develop personally and professionally. I believe in finding your own way in career and in life, and that the process of becoming is one of the main reasons worth living. I have been interested in coaching since 2003, and started to coach in 2009. I mostly coach as part of my day to day job, but also in my free time, on Skype or face to face. After a first coaching school with International Coach Academy, I graduated in the first generation of the Mindlearners Transformational Coaching School. In November 2015 I received the ACC (Associate Certified Coach) credential from the International Coach Federation. In my free time I blog about what matters in life on LifeToolKit . You can also find me on Twitter, on LinkedIn or on Gmail.


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