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Our alumni

Oana Găină
I’ve been working in Human Resources since 2000 – not sure who found who first. I'm passionate about people, animals, reading &...

Adela Iliescu
I have complete faith in the inner drive to evolve by meeting our needs in relationships (with ourselves and others). All of the social,...

Alina Kasprovski
I have dedicated my professional life to developing communities in our city, as a founder of the Bucharest Community Foundation. For 10...

Alecsandra Lițu, ACC
I am a trainer, coach and consultant, focusing on change management and organizational culture initiatives. In the past 15 years I have...

Cristiana Lupu, ACC
When talking about myself and my work experience one common thread is visible – the passion for developing people, understanding them and...

Andrei Lasc
Since 2013 I have been creating worlds out of pixels and words through branding processes and communication campaigns for brands such as...

Boglarka Lorincz, ACC
I am Bogi and I am a PQ Coach. My mission is to help people develop their mental fitness. I believe in a life lived creatively, where we...

Mirabela Maria
I make my living as a lawyer practicing business law. Malcom Gladwell once said "it's very hard to find someone who is successful and...

Alina Marian
I am an HR professional working with senior executive teams and talented leaders in developing their unique and authentic leadership...

Anda Marian
I am a consultant. I work with major companies from all industries and their senior executives sharing my expertise in leadership...

Alina Marin, ACC
I remember myself as an education and volunteering passionate since the beginning. When I was 20 I had a great opportunity, as part of...

Diana Mircea
I have spent more than 16 years in big companies as a Development Specialist, than Consultant, than Manager. I had ascending roles,...

Adriana Mitucă
I will start with my favourie quote “Life is a dance between making it happen and letting it happen”. Because I do believe that each of...

Cristina Oțel
I help women get unstuck from lives that they have outgrown, take their power back and create lives they love. With 15 years of...

Anca Popa
Sunt tutor coordonator, de 3 ani în Teach for Romania și alumn al programului. Am terminat Facultatea de Științe Socio-Umane,...

Ana Maria Pacioga
I am one of the coaches of Mind Learners first generation and in the same time a banking person, very passionate and dedicated to my...

Ioana Popa, ACC
In 2010 I started my career as a finance people manager in an IT multinational company. A few years later, I realized that I was walking...

Ramona Palcus
I am Ramona Palcus, and my friends and family call me Ram. Throughout history, different meanings have been associated with this Sanskrit...

Daniela-Georgiana Pripis
A healthy harmonic life starts with healthy balanced habits. But in a world swamped in information, where do you even start? Frequently,...

Anca Purdel
I am a trainer and coach, focusing on team development using different methods, ranging from “classic” team coaching tools to business...
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